Directed and produced by Kimberly Reed, Prodigal Sons is an intensely personal documentary that follows the filmmaker, a transgender woman, as she returns home to Montana for her high school reunion. Kimberly, previously the school's star quarterback, hopes to reestablish old friendships and to reconcile with her long-estranged adopted brother, Marc. While working through their intense sibling rivalry, the family uncovers stunning revelations (including a connection to Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth), and experiences unforeseeable twists of plot and gender that challenge them in ways no one could imagine.
The DVD release follows a successful 2010 theatrical run and a string of award-winning festival screenings, including sold out screenings at the Telluride Film Festival and winning Best Documentary Jury Prizes at NewFest (New York's Gay & Lesbian Film Festival) and Copenhagen's LGBT Film Festival; the Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival’s FIPRESCI prize; and Special Jury Prizes for Fearless Filmmaking (at the Florida Film Festival) and Bravery in Storytelling (at the Nashville Film Festival). Filmmaker Kimberly Reed was also a featured guest on The Oprah Show.
Winner— FIPRESCI International Critics' Prize for Best Film, Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival
Winner— Special Jury Prize for Bravery in Storytelling, Nashville Film Festival
Winner— Special Jury Prize for Fearless Filmmaking, Florida Film Festival
Winner— Best Documentary Jury Prize, NewFest, The New York LGBT Film Festival
Winner— Best Documentary Jury Prize, Copenhagen LGBT Film Festival
Winner— Best Documentary Jury Prize, Spokane International Film Festival
Winner— Best Documentary Jury Prize, Tampa International LGBT Film Festival
Winner— Best Documentary Jury Prize, Kashish-Mumbai Queer Film Festival
Winner— Audience Award, Dublin GAZE International Film Festival
Winner— Audience Award, Spokane International Film Festival
Winner— Honorable Mention, Viennale International Film Festival
Winner— Volunteer Award, Frameline, San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival
Winner— Best of Fest Top-Ten Audience Award, Palm Springs International Film Festival
“RIVETING! Do not miss this film.” - SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE
“STIRRING AND PROVOCATIVE! This is a film not easily forgotten.” - LOS ANGELES TIMES
“AMAZING! Fascinates on multiple levels.” - VARIETY
“A WORK OF GENIUS! Prodigal Sons is a remarkable study of family and identity, made with elegance and passion and a searing honesty that can very nearly break one’s heart.”
“A BEAUTIFUL FILM with a lot to say about forgiveness and empathy... very moving.”
“CRITIC'S PICK! Filled with revelations.” - THE NEW YORK TIMES
“EXCEPTIONAL. You will never think of rosebud the same way again.” - VILLAGE VOICE
“One of the most acclaimed documentaries of 2010.” - INDIEWIRE
“Not to be missed.” - THE ADVOCATE
“A hidden gem.” - DENVER POST