featuring Vincent Bugliosi
Available on DVD and iTunes October 7th
Famed Charles Manson prosecutor and New York Times bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi makes the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking argument of his storied career.
In The Prosecution of an American President, Vincent Bugliosi presents a meticulously researched legal case that proves George W. Bush took our nation to war in Iraq under false pretenses, and is therefore, under the law, guilty of murder for the deaths of 4,500 young American soldiers who fought and died there. Bush’s unlawful war also cost the United States over a trillion dollars; alienated many of our allies; caused the deaths of over 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, and children; and pushed a previously tranquil nation into unending civil war, atrocities and chaos.
As a prosecutor who is dedicated to seeking justice, Bugliosi delivers a non-partisan argument based on hard facts and pure objectivity. A searing indictment of Bush and his administration, The Prosecution of an American President also outlines a legally credible pathway to holding our highest government officials accountable for their actions, thereby creating a framework for future occupants of the Oval Office. Ultimately, Bugliosi calls for the United States to return to the great nation it once was.
Online and DVD screeners are available for review.
"There is no mistaking Mr. Bugliosi’s conviction, nor the thoroughness of his research ... (he) reminds us of how American lives are used as political chess pieces and how agonizing it is when the game’s larger objective remains unclear.”- Andy Webster, The New York Times
“Here is the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 dreamt of being." - Dann Gire, Chicago Daily Herald
“Passionately sets out Bugliosi’s premise…he makes a terrific argument for his position.”
- William Wolf, Wolf Entertainment Guide
Author Vincent Bugliosi's illustrious career spans over 40 years and includes such bestselling titles as Helter Skelter (the biggest-selling true crime book in publishing history), Reclaiming History (the definitive study on the Kennedy assassination), Outrage (on the O.J. Simpson trial) and of course The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder. Being a former prosecutor with a 99% conviction rate, Mr. Bugliosi is renowned by many to be the nation’s foremost prosecutor.
Phone interviews are available upon request. Vincent Bugliosi is available for radio or televised interviews recorded or broadcast in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. Interviews from national or East Coast based media outlets are welcome and shall be conducted remotely from local studios. |
The Prosecution of an American President
A film by David Hagen & David J. Burke
101 minutes, documentary, color, 2013
DVD Extras: Deleted Scenes (A Perfect Day for George W. Bush • Richard Garant, Brattleboro, VT • Vince Bugliosi's Unique Logic • Vince Bugliosi at UCLA • John Turner at UCLA • Alan Bean at Home)
UPC: 720229916080 | Catalog #: FRF916080D | $24.95 | Street: October 7 |