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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

56 Up

Director - Michael Apted
Run Time - 139 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD-R
Year - 2012
Genre - Documentary
Educational Interest - Adolescence, Aging, Anthropology, Cinema Studies, Cultural Studies, Economics, Family Relations

Institutional DVD Price: $195

Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”

The UP Series has explored this Jesuit maxim for over half a century.  The original concept was to interview children from diverse backgrounds from all over England about their lives and their future dreams.  Every seven years, director Michael Apted has returned to talk to them about their progress.  Now they are 56.

The UP Series is, according to critic Roger Ebert, “an inspired, almost noble use of the film medium.  Apted penetrates to the central mystery of life.”

"Cinema's longest-running and most fascinating experiment!" - The New York Times

"One of the supreme creations of documentary filmmaking. Riveting!" - Salon

"Moving and ambitious in scale like nothing else in cinema." -Village Voice

"A stunningly comprehensive document of life in the late 20th century and at the turn of the millennium, 49 UP is more than a film. It’s an affirmation of life that feels like a gift." -Los Angeles Times

"Easily one of the most fascinating sociological experiments in not just film history but history itself."- Premiere Magazine