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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Antarctic Edge: 70 Degrees South

Director - Dena Seidel
Run Time - 72 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2015
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Environmental Studies, Science

Institutional DVD Price: $295

A thrilling journey to the world's most perilous environment, Antarctic Edge: 70 Degrees South joins a team of world-class scientists as they explore the West Antarctic Peninsula.  Directed by Dena Seidel and made in collaboration with the Rutgers Center for Digital Filmmaking and the Rutgers Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences. A unique inter-disciplinary educational project bridging art, science and storytelling, Antarctic Edge was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.

In the wake of devastating climate events like Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, oceanographer Oscar Schofield teams up with a group of researchers in a race to understand climate change in the fastest winter-warming place on earth: the West Antarctic Peninsula.  For more than 20 years, these scientists have dedicated their lives to studying the Peninsula's rapid change as part of the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Project.

Filmed in one of the most perilous environments on the planet, Antarctic Edge brings to us the stunning landscapes and seascapes of Earth's southern polar region, revealing the harsh conditions and substantial challenges that scientists endure for months at a time.  While navigating through 60-foot waves and dangerous icebergs, the film follows the team as they voyage south to rugged, inhospitable Charcot Island to study the fragile and rapidly declining Adelie Penguin. For Schofield and his crew, these birds are the greatest indicator of climate change and a harbinger of what is to come.