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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Birth of the Living Dead

Director - Rob Kuhns
Run Time - 76 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD/Digital Streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- African-American Studies, American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Cinema Studies, Law & Legal Studies, Vietnam

Institutional DVD Price: $295

In 1968 a young college drop-out named George A. Romero directed "Night of the Living Dead," a low budget horror film that shocked the world, became an icon of the counterculture, and spawned a zombie industry worth billions of dollars that continues to this day.

Birth of the Living Dead shows how Romero gathered an unlikely team of Pittsburghers -- policemen, iron workers, teachers, ad-men, housewives and a roller-rink owner -- to shoot a revolutionary guerrilla style film that went on to become a cinematic landmark, offering a profound insight into how our society worked in a singular time in American history.

"It's taken me 45 years to stop biting my fingernails after first seeing 'Night of the Living Dead'. Having just watched Rob Kuhns' mesmerizing documentary about that classic horror story I finally understand why I was not only scared out of my wits, but was simultaneously watching a cinematic breakthrough and cultural phenomenon. 'Birth of the Living Dead' is immensely watchable and abundantly enlightening -- with one ah-hah moment after another -- and when you've seen it, you'll be thinking and talking all night (first lock your doors)." - Bill Moyers