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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Girl Model

Directors - David Redmon & Ashley Sabin
Run Time - 77 minutes
Languages - English, Japanese & Russian w/English subtitles
Format - DVD-R
Year - 2011
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, Asia, Family Relations, Fashion, Globalization, Labor Studies, Psychology, Women's Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

Despite a lack of obvious similarities between Siberia and Tokyo, a thriving model industry connects these distant regions. Girl Model follows two protagonists involved in this industry: Ashley, a deeply ambivalent model scout who scours the Siberian countryside looking for fresh faces to send to the Japanese market, and one of her discoveries, Nadya, a 13-year-old plucked from her rustic home in Russia and dropped into the center of bustling Tokyo with promises of a profitable career. After Ashley’s initial discovery of Nadya, they rarely meet again, but their stories are inextricably bound. As Nadya’s optimism about rescuing her family from financial hardship grows, her dreams contrast against Ashley’s more jaded outlook about the industry’s corrosive influence.

"A haunted glimpse into exploited youth."  – Variety

"The film illuminates and personalizes some details to which even fashion insiders may not be privy.”
The New York Times