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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

A Hole in a Fence

Director - D.W. Young
Run Time - 46 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD, color
Year- 2008

Educational Interest- American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Business, Cultural Studies, Economics, Environmental Studies, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $125

Chronicling the changing fortunes of Red Hook, Brooklyn, A Hole in a Fence explores the complicated issues of development, class and identity facing one of New York City’s most unique neighborhoods.

It’s the story of a vanished homeless community and the young architect who documented it; of an urban farm run by local kids amidst a landscape of industrial decay; of young graffiti writers losing their stomping grounds; of the arrival of a controversial IKEA megastore; of a photographer’s vision of nature’s renewal; of the doomed struggle to save a rare part of the neighborhood’s working waterfront; and of a filmmaker’s discovery of a fleeting, hidden world on the other side of a rusty old fence.

“This is a sensitive, multilayered look at the complexities and tragicomedies of life in a neighborhood under seige.”- Tom Angotti, Director, Center for Community Planning & Development, Hunter College/CUNY

“A complex exploration of urban community living.” -The Guardian(UK)

“An interesting in-depth look at the forces that shape our communities.” -Cleveland Plain Dealer

“Fascinating... viewing should be mandatory for every city planner in New York, the U.S.-- hell with it-- the world.” -TrustMovies