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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

In the Garden of Sounds

Director - Nicole Bellucci
Run Time - 90 minutes
Language - Italian & Swiss German w/English Subtitles
Format - DVD
Year - 2010
Genre - Documentary
Educational Interests - Disability Studies, Medicine, Music

From the time he was a child Wolfgang Fasser knew he'd lose his eyesight to the genetic disease retinitus pigmentosa. But as darkness descended, a new world began to open up to him: the world of sound. He marveled at its richness and nuance, at how it moved him and made him connect with nature and with the people around him. Forced to abandon his childhood dream of being a veterinarian, Wolfgang instead became a musical therapist for disabled children.

Tucked away in the Swiss mountains he built a safe haven in which children can explore and create sound through instruments like cymbals, drums and piano, or feel sound vibrations resonate through their bodies on a therapeutic bed of chords. Tension dissipates as they open to the mysteries of sound and music; Wolfgang's empathy, compassion and patience add to an environment in which the children blossom. In his transcendent directorial debut, Nicola Bellucci focuses with quiet reverence on Wolfgang just as Wolfgang focuses on the children in his care.

"An acoustic and visual experience in a class of its own."- Swiss National Public Radio