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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Last Cab to Darwin

Director - Jeremy Sims
Run Time - 123 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2015
Genre - Foreign Drama

Educational Interests- Aging, Cinema Studies, Cultural Studies, Family Relations, Psychology

Institutional DVD Price: $295

Rex is a cab driver who has never left the mining town of Broken Hill in his life. When he discovers he doesn't have long to live, he decides to drive through the heart of the country to Darwin, where he's heard he will be able to die on his own terms; but along the way he discovers that before you can end your life you've got to live it, and to live it you've got to learn to share it...

"A gem of a film." - Sydney Morning Herald

"There is a certain kind of film, rare in the best of times, that exudes a distinct creative concentration, a precisely measured marinade of character and story that suggests an extended gestation period of forethought and planning. Bill Pohlad's 'Love & Mercy' is such a film, and so is George Miller's 'Mad Max: Fury Road.' Harnessing the intimate scale of the former and the root cultural vibe of the latter (minus the extreme speed and transplanted location), co-writer and director Jeremy Sims' 'Last Cab to Darwin' tells the moving tale of a dying taxi driver and his cross-country quest to receive the voluntary euthanasia process enacted for a brief period of time in a single Australian state in the mid-1990s (it is now illegal across the land). Fests will line up at the rank to hail this 'Cab,' with older-skewing theatrical success a fare bet." - Variety