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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
More Than the Rainbow

Director - Dan Wechsler
Run Time - 83 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2014
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interest- American Studies, Art, Biographies/Profiles, Photography, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

At the close the of film noir classic The Naked City, the narrator famously proclaims: 'There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.' The film took its title from Weegee's seminal book of New York photographs published in 1945.

In our time, an equally compelling presence roams the streets of New York armed with only a camera: Matt Weber. There is no telling how many stories Weber has attempted to capture since he first started taking pictures out of the window of the cab he used to drive. But his quarter century-plus devotion to candidly depicting the lives of his fellow New Yorkers, many of them from the fringes of society, has yielded an unforgettably beautiful and evocative documentary directed by Dan Wechsler.

Part character study, part meditation on photography, and part exploration of a New York that most of us will never see, More Than the Rainbow combines a visually stunning blend of live action, still photography and revealing interviews. The result is a poetic celebration of the world's greatest city and the individuals who walk its streets.

Featuring Matt Weber, Ralph Gibson, Zoe Strauss, Eric Kroll, Todd Oldham, Dave Beckerman, Ben Lifson and more.
"Jazzy and illuminating." - Variety

"From driving a cab to snapping pictures of New York's streets... Matt Weber's work yields its share of gratifying, blink-and-you'll-miss-it New York moments."- The New York Times

"Frozen-in-time magic abounds." - The Hollywood Reporter

"On treks through the city, camera in hand, Matt Weber's expertise, tenderness, and taste for the absurd become clear. Dan Wechsler runs with it, interspersing decades of Weber's often gritty photographs with expert cinematography that lingers on New York's curved railings and blurring lights in a way that feels suffused with nostalgia, even for the present." - The Village Voice