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Director - Léa Pool
Run Time - 98 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD
Year - 2012
Genre - Documentary
Educational Interest - Business, Environmental Studies, Medicine,
Women's Studies


Institutional DVD Price: $295





The ubiquitous pink ribbons of breast cancer philanthropy - and the hand-in-hand marketing of brands and products associated with that philanthropy — permeates our culture, providing assurance that we are engaged in a successful battle against this insidious disease. But the campaign obscures the reality and facts of breast cancer – more and more women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and face the same treatment options they did 40 years ago. Yet women are also the most influential market group, buying 80 percent of consumer products and making most major household purchasing decisions. So then who really benefits from the pink ribbon campaigns — the cause or the company? And what if the very companies and products that profit from their association have actually contributed to the problem?

In showing the real story of breast cancer and the lives of those who fight it, Pink Ribbons, Inc. reveals the co-opting of what marketing experts have labeled a "dream cause."


"A searing, passionate and deeply human examination of the warping of a cause… Devastatingly persuasive while remaining profoundly sensitive." – Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

“Revelatory & thoughtful… deserves to be seen!”
– Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times

“Blending expert testimony with emotional appeals from a support group for women diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, this stinging indictment raises an all-together different call to arms.”
– Mindy Farabee, Los Angeles Times

"Indignant and subversive… Resoundingly pops the shiny pink balloon of the breast cancer movement/industry, debunking the ‘comfortable lies’ and corporate double-talk that permeate the massive and thus-far-ineffectual campaign against a disease that claims nearly 60,000 lives each year in North America alone."– John Anderson, Variety