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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Director - Jonathan Olshefski
Run Time - 105 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD / Digital streaming
Year - 2017
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, African American Studies, American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Cultural Studies, Family Relations, Media Studies, Music, New Releases, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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Filmed with vérité intimacy over the course of nearly a decade, Quest is the moving portrait of the Rainey family living in North Philadelphia. Beginning at the dawn of the Obama presidency, Quest Rainey and his wife Christine'a raise a family while nurturing a community of hip hop artists in their home music studio - a safe space where all are welcome. But this creative sanctuary can't always shield them from the strife that grips their neighborhood. Epic in scope, Quest is a vivid illumination of race and class in America, and a testament to love, healing and hope.

A Sundance Film Festival Premiere, Quest has been honored at nine festivals including RiverRun and Full Frame.

"Superb. A living, breathing, stunning documentary." - Guy Lodge, VARIETY

"Quest shows a kinship with Hoop Dreams and Boyhood in the way it makes subtle and powerful use of the passage of time. The movie's quiet eloquence invites you to reflect on what it means to belong to a family and a place, and also on the nature of citizenship at a time of political polarization." - A.O. Scott, THE NEW YORK TIMES

"Recalls Steve James' Hoop Dreams in both the way it captures people over a long period of a time and in how it finds the profound in the everyday, the universal in the specific." - Brian Tallerico, ROGEREBERT.COM

"Quest may be one of the most important films about the American experience ever filmed." -Jason Gorber, POV Magazine