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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Director - Heidi Hutner
Run Time - 77 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2023
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Aging, American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Business, Communication, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, History (US), Human Rights, Law & Legal Studies, Medicine, New Releases, Political Science, Science, Women's Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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In this thrilling feminist documentary, indomitable women fight back against the nuclear industry to expose one of the worst cover-ups in U.S. history.

RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island is an award-winning film about the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown – the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history – and its aftermath. It uncovers the never-before-told stories of four intrepid homemakers who take their local community's case against the plant operator all the way to the Supreme Court – and a young female journalist who's caught in the radioactive crossfire.

RADIOACTIVE features activist and actor Jane Fonda, whose film, THE CHINA SYNDROME (a fictional account of a nuclear meltdown), opened 12 days before the real disaster in Pennsylvania. The film also breaks the story of a radical new health study that may finally expose the truth of the meltdown. For over forty years, the nuclear industry has done everything in their power to cover up their criminal actions, claiming, as they always do, "No one was harmed and nothing significant happened."

"RADIOACTIVE is a compelling and significant documentary in the grand tradition of such trailblazing women filmmakers as Kimberlee Acquaro, Christine Choy, and Barbara Koppel…this is a film that should be rated in supernovas, not stars." - EDWARD MORAN, CINEMA DAILY U.S. (FULL REVIEW HERE)

"A stunning film. It asks the important question: should we or shouldn’t we with nuclear energy? First-time filmmaker Heidi Hutner answers this question with solid research and interviews with scientists, engineers, whistleblowers, physicians, and most importantly with the victims themselves. RADIOACTIVE is a must-see tour-de-force for anyone who cares about our energy future and our planet." - JON BOWERMASTER, AWARD-WINNING NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC FILMMAKER