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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Small Wonders

Director - Allan Miller
Run Time - 77 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 1995
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, Biographies/Profiles, Cultural Studies, Education, Music, New Releases, Performance, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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This inspirational documentary deservedly earned a 1995 Academy Award nomination. Divorced mother Roberta Guaspari-Tzavaras taught music in the New York City school system until the budget ax eliminated her job. Dedicated to music and her students, she established a foundation and raised money to create her own violin program in three East Harlem schools. The film follows Guaspari-Tzavaras as she lugs her equipment from school to school, teaching students who range from young beginners to high-school students. The students' recitals include performing for an auditorium full of parents, playing the "Star-Spangled Banner" before a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden, and finally making a Carnegie Hall appearance accompanied by world renown violinists Isaac Stern and Itzhak Perlman.

"Amazing joy...It's a triumph to see the learning process at work, to witness the glow of human accomplishment after years of struggle." - SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

"This stirring documentary...also provides gritty urban sociology, a can-do message about the possibilities of educational triumph in a parched cement landscape normally the haunt of pessimism and defeat, and a forceful reproach to every politician who has ever stuffed a pork barrel at the expense of an arts program for children." - THE NEW YORK TIMES

"You're looking for a little inspiration in your life? Here it is. Director Allan Miller ably conveys the amazing energy of Roberta Guaspari-Tzavaras, and by the end of the climactic concert sequence, you feel as exhilarated as teacher and students obviously do."- SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER