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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Director - Hélier Cisterne
Run Time - 84 minutes
Languages - French with English subtitles
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Foreign Drama

Educational Interests- Adolescence, Art, Criminal Justice, Design, Family Relations, Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $195

Vandal is the story of a wayward young man who comes of age in the world of graffiti art.

Like the stolen car he is driving in circles, Cherif's life is going nowhere in a hurry. When he is arrested for the umpteenth time, Cherif's exasperated mother strikes a last-chance deal with a judge to send the troubled juvenile to live quietly with his aunt and uncle and attend vocational school. Cherif's earnest attempt to go straight is sending him directly to the doldrums, until he discovers that his even straighter-laced cousin Thomas is actually part of a local gang of taggers, who roam the night bombing walls and overpasses in the shadow of a mysterious tagger whose death-defying works have made him a legend.

"A unique cinematic experience." - The Hollywood Reporter

"A coming of age film and a social drama,Vandal does what good films do: transport the spectator to a little known world -- a world of spray paint, nocturnal hideouts, tagging challenges, and illicit escapades." - Midnight Sun Film Festival