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Director - Rod Freedman
Run Time -  56 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD
Year - 2010
Genre - Documentary
Educational Interest- Africa, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Family Relations, Human Rights, Jewish Studies, Justice, Peace & Conflict Resolution

Institutional DVD Price: $295



What’s the price of being a by-stander?  Sidney Bloch, an internationally recognized professor of psychiatry from Australia, returns to Cape Town, South Africa for his medical school reunion. Sid has suffered from a troubled conscience for forty years and wants to resolve his guilt for colluding with Apartheid – but what will it take to free him from his past? He's accompanied on his quest for reconciliation by his son, Aaron, who is also his harshest critic. Narrated by Aaron, the film explores how a good person accepts racism and injustice.


Download the study guide here.


“A bitingly personal take on a universal theme.” - The Sunday Age