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Praise for Beth and George Gage's BIDDER 70

"A shocking look at how far the energy industry and the government will go to crush just one voice." -Michael Moore

"A Warrior is Born. Tim DeChristopher’s journey...resonates.  'Bidder 70'...nails the way that a spontaneous act of courage can focus the mind and clarify an ideology. We hear...the mental gears of an activist clicking into place." - The New York Times

"Gripping.  Tim DeChristopher's staunch and inspiring journey after that fateful auction is efficiently tracked in this vital and involving documentary." -Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times

"I think you'll find this film particularly interesting. this gentleman has done us all a favor."
- David Letterman, The Late Show

"BIDDER 70 topped my list for the most inspiring film. Veteran directors Beth and George Gage brilliantly tell the story of climate activist Tim DeChristopher."
-Stefanie Penn Spear, Huffington Post

"A vivid illustration of citizen activism and its considerable personal risks. Whatever one thinks about his actions, it’s hard not to be amazed by the sheer waste of the effort and expense incurred by the lengthy legal battle, which is vividly conveyed by the clearly impassioned filmmakers. By the time you’ve finished watching Bidder 70, you’ll be left both angered and hopeful." - Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter

"Beth and George Gage's Bidder 70 is a highly inspirational account of DeChristopher's life since then, including his beliefs on climate change, his activist efforts to bring about necessary political changes to save our planet's future, and his reflections on his indictment on two federal charges and the current state of our democracy. There are a lot of environmental documentaries out there about inciting change, but Bidder 70 is one of the most affecting." - Kalvin Henely, Slant Magazine

"Excellent! 'Bidder 70' tells the story of a young hero's great risk on behalf of the environment. It's a moving film with an inspiring message calling us to work on behalf of the environment and humanity. It also takes us through the step-by-step experience of the consequences of a serious civil disobedience action.  It will inspire you to take a stand for truth, justice and peace." - John Dear, National Catholic Reporter

"One of the most courageous and principled civil disobedience activists in recent American history, standing in the tradition of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr."
- Louis Proyect, The Unrepentant Marxist

"A look at an activist and those that have truly been affected by his existence… Paints a portrait of a man who truly wants to do better by this world, if not for himself, for the generations to come. And that’s as universal an idea as there has ever been."
- Joshua Brunsting, Criterion Cast

"Bidder 70 tells a uniquely American story." - Diana Clarke, The Village Voice

"Throughout the film, DeChristopher comes through as he does in person—articulate, open, vulnerable, deeply passionate about doing whatever it takes to save the planet and realistic about the chances of success." - Ellen Davidson, The Indypendent 

"The thoughtful documentary 'Bidder 70' sheds new light on a recent chapter of Utah history - and of the evolution of an activist’s voice." - Sean P. Means, The Salt Lake Tribune

" Highest Rating. A gripping personal story that reveals just how bizarre and twisted our justice system can be. Tim DeChristopher is a true hero, and his story shows that one person who stands up for his beliefs can really make a difference. Bidder 70 is a very well-made documentary that presents you with a straight up and compelling story. The film has no gimmickry. It doesn't need it. The story is that good, and the filmmakers have understood and presented all of the elements necessary to make its message personal and affecting. This must-see film will give you a better understanding of the environmental movement, and will change the way you think."- Jennifer Merin, About.com

"In an excellent field of non-fiction (documentary) and feature length fiction films, BIDDER 70 distinguished itself as a beautifully told story of a hero’s journey filled with passion and sacrifice that tugs at the head and heart to the final scene."
- Jury, Traverse City Film Festival, 2012 Best American Film

"BIDDER 70 is ultimately about people power and one of the many forms it can take. By the film’s end, DeChristopher’s audacious direct action seems not only heroic, but also accessible, possible, and perhaps one of the few real ways forward."
-Samantha Herndon, Yes! Magazine

"A powerful, empathetic portrait of a selfless, planetary patriot willing to sacrifice his liberty for the sake of Mother Earth‘s long-term prospects." - KamWilliams.com

"You have to admire someone willing to go to such lengths to protect something that he believes benefits us all. He’s persuaded a lot of good people to think likewise. I think you, too, will be surprised at his honesty and candor … worth 75 minutes of your time."
- Steve Salles, Standard Examiner

"Audiences looking for a young hero (and a decent movie about one) should appreciate this effort." - Eric Monder, Film Journal

"[Bidder 70] forces us to understand what a single act of civil disobedience can accomplish." - James van Maanen, Trust Movies

"Bidder 70 succeeds and persuades by placing its humble hero in the spotlight. This inspirational profile of a man and a movement raises questions about the treatment of conscientious objectors. Interesting parallels are drawn to civil rights activism, in which DeChristopher found role models and strategies." - Joan Pedzich, Library Journal