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A woman ahead of her time, Altina Schinasi was born in 1907 in New York City; the daughter of a tobacco tycoon and descendent of Sephardic Jews. Her genteel upbringing was in sharp contrast to the bold sexuality of her art and her life.

Girl Model

Girl Model follows two protagonists: an ambivalent model scout who scours the Siberian countryside looking for fresh faces, and one of her discoveries, a 13-year-old plucked from her home and dropped into Tokyo with promises of a profitable career.

GLOW: A Wild Ride to Heaven

"Someone who glows so brightly is not going to grow old," Fellini once prophesied about Irene Staub, aka Lady Shiva, one of the greatest of all Swiss divas. This enchanting new documentary reveals Lady Shiva's remarkable life in the fast lane in 1960s-80s Zürich.

Smiling Through the Apocalypse

Esquire magazine was a galvanizing force in American culture from the early 1960s through the early '70s. The chief architect of this print revolution was Harold Hayes, a brilliant editor who granted contributors unprecedented journalistic freedom.

Through a Lens Darkly

The first documentary to explore the role of photography in shaping the identity of African Americans from slavery to the present, Through a Lens Darkly probes the recesses of American history by discovering images that have been suppressed, forgotten and lost.