
After Kony: Staging Hope follows a team of actors, playwrights, and activists who use theater to help Ugandan teens share their story of resilience through a childhood filled with terror caused by Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army.

Human rights become profoundly personal when Ai Weiwei, China's most famous artist, transforms Alcatraz Island prison into an astonishing expression of socially-engaged art focused on the plight of the unjustly incarcerated.

Buying Sex is a timely examination of the ongoing and global debate about prostitution laws. Would decriminalizing prostitution free sex workers to take more control over their activities or give the buyers of sex (as well as illicit sex-trade business owners) power to exploit the sale of sexual services?

Girl Model follows two protagonists: an ambivalent model scout who scours the Siberian countryside looking for fresh faces, and one of her discoveries, a 13-year-old plucked from her home and dropped into Tokyo with promises of a profitable career.

'Invisible Hands' is the first feature documentary to expose child labor and trafficking within the supply chains of the world's biggest companies. It is a harrowing account of children as young as 6 years old making the products we use every day.

Part investigative report and part editorial, The Sex Trade is a behind-the-scenes analysis of a rapidly growing business featuring incisive comments from experts and enlightening interviews with current and former sex workers.

One of the most heated issues in Asia today is over something that occurred 80 years ago: the Japanese Imperial Army's sexual enslavement of an estimated tens of thousands of Korean women and others in military brothels during World War II.

Featuring brutally candid testimony, The Storm Makers is a chilling expose of Cambodia's human trafficking underworld and an eye-opening look at the complex cycle of poverty, despair and greed that fuels this modern slave trade.

Tricked is a documentary that uncovers one of America's darkest secrets. Modern-day slavery is alive and well in the United States, as thousands of victims are trafficked across the country to satisfy America's $3-billion-a-year sex trafficking industry.