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Praise for L'ICEBERG

"Thumbs up, up and away. A magnificently choreographed piece of work.”
- David Edelstein, Ebert & Roeper (Click here to watch the video review.)

Critic's Pick. “Deadpan on Ice!...Earns two adjectives that rarely go together: breezy and bold...Its simultaneously silly and grave tone finds humor in the characters' delusions and obsessions while celebrating their uniqueness.” - New York Times

“It is to die and go to heaven -- or at least the North Pole … plays like a circusy hallucination on Ibsen’s A Doll’s House addled with Close Encounters of the Third Kind…the most lyrical spasticity in modern movies.” - New York Magazine

Try not to avoid this 'Iceberg' ...A cool way to take your mind off climate change... Gordon and Abel [are] howls as husband and wife... Keaton would approve.”
-New York Post

“Belgium’s lovely L’Iceberg combines physical comedy with visual poetry for cinema of sublime humor, beauty and melancholy…funny, exquisite, spontaneous.”
- Box Office Magazine

Sly, winsome tale...Gordon, Abel and Martz take their cues from just about every silent comedy great… the film's deliberate color palette and tightly choreographed, perfectly timed sequences recall Jacques Tati. But there's an irreverent, off-center humor here that's distinctly their own.” - TV Guide

Not since René Clair and Jacques Tati have gags been so expertly constructed or characters looked more mournful than in Iceberg, a tasty concoction with equal measures of poetic fantasy and slapstick comedy.” - MOMA New Directors/New Films Series

More than welcome breath of fresh air…hilarious!” - Slant Magazine

Wonderful slapstick sequences and many scenes that reflect the artistic team's background in the theater and circus… delightful” - Spirituality and Health

Iceberg is a movie to capture the imagination and take the viewer back to simpler, childlike times. See it with an open mind and be ready to giggle.” - IO Film (UK)