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We spend a trillion dollars a year on high-tech tests, and yet almost 20% of patients are misdiagnosed. Making Rounds reintroduces the oldest diagnostic method – listening to the patient – by following leading cardiologists Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Director of Mount Sinai Heart and Herschel Sklaroff, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Cardiology at Mount Sinai Heart over a one-month period as they care for critically-ill heart patients in the Cardiac Care Unit at The Mount Sinai Hospital. We accompany Fuster and Sklaroff as they teach future doctors the traditional art and science of a thorough bedside physical exam. “A great many diseases may be diagnosed,” they tell us, “just by looking at a patient’s hand.”

Making Rounds presents Fuster’s and Sklaroff’s decades of experience in action as they correct misdiagnoses and save lives, demonstrating – in real-world situations – that simply observing and listening to patients remain medicine’s most indispensable tools.