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Praise for Dan Wechsler's MORE THAN THE RAINBOW

"Frozen-in-time magic abounds." - John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter

"On treks through the city, camera in hand, Weber's expertise, tenderness, and taste for the absurd become clear. Director Dan Wechsler runs with it, interspersing decades of Weber's often gritty photographs with expert cinematography that lingers on New York's curved railings and blurring lights in a way that feels suffused with nostalgia, even for the present." - Diana Clarke, The Village Voice

"Jazzy and illuminating." - Scott Foundas, Variety

"From driving a cab to snapping pictures of New York's streets...Matt Weber's work yields its share of gratifying, blink-and-you'll-miss-it New York moments.  This earthy documentary featuring Mr. Weber, along with a colorful gallery of fellow photographers and associates, has the ramble and scramble of a crosstown conversation with an opinionated driver." - Nicolas Rapold, The New York Times

"Interesting and thoughtful. Feels like a good conversation, moving seamlessly from one topic to the next with the unselfconscious ease of a good dinner party."
- Elise Nakhnikian, Slant Magazine

"A fantastic documentary." - Joshua Brunsting, Criterion Cast

"Truly mesmerizing." - Kathy Kaiser, We Are Movie Geeks

"Wechsler’s appealing film provides a platform for Weber to reveal his story, and that of his beloved city, frozen in time in his evocative black and white portraits. Weber makes for an affable Everyman, bolstered by comments from admirers and fellow street photogs, as they reflect on the changing face of their artform and of the cities they chronicle."
- Basil Tsiokos, What (Not) to Doc

"In an age when everyone thinks he or she is a photographer, snapping photos with camera phones and posting them on social media sites, More Than a Rainbow shows how it’s really done." - This Week in New York

"Mesmerizing... an ambitious and highly entertaining film about a genuine New York 'character' who is every bit as intriguing as the subjects he photographs."
- Lee Pfeiffer, Cinema Retro

"A movie full of energy, pizzazz and found art (rather like the city it covers)."
- James van Maanen, TrustMovies

"Filled with wit and charisma. A must-see for anyone who's even remotely interested in photography." - Avi Offer, NYC Movie Guru

"Gorgeous pictures. Joyful and very intriguing." - Steven Ruskin, AV Maniacs

"A celebration of the photographic medium and the inspiring impact that New York City has had, and continues to imbue, upon its inhabitants." - Anise Stevens, Life in LA