Cast and Credits
Filmmaker Bio
Press Room

Cast and Crew


Carl Colby

Producers David Johnson
Grace Guggenheim


Jay Freund


Gary Steele


Michael Bacon


Dale Andrade, Military Strategist, Historian
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter
Corrado Cantatore, former Commando; senior SISMI official (Italian Intelligence Service)
Jonathan Clarke, Senior Officer, British Intelligence
Carl Colby, Son of William E. Colby
Barbara H. Colby, Wife of William E. Colby
Daren Flitcroft, Veteran CIA Officer; Phoenix Program,
Donald Gregg, former Amb. to South Korea; Veteran CIA Officer/Phoenix/Vietnam
Seymour Hersh, Author, Journalist, The New Yorker; former New York Times Reporter
Fisher Howe, OSS Veteran Officer (London): Special Assistant to Gen. Wm. Donovan
Thomas Hughes, former Head of Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Department
Oleg Kalugin, Major General, KGB; former Chief, KGB Foreign Intelligence Directorate
Former Senator Bob Kerrey, Medal of Honor Winner; Phoenix/Vietnam Veteran
John Langan, S.J., Counselor; Rector, Georgetown Jesuit Community
James Lilley, former Amb. to China, Taiwan; Veteran CIA Officer
Edward Luttwak, Author/Military Strategist
Thomas McCoy, OSS Veteran; Veteran CIA Officer, Rome and Madrid
Lt. Col. Robert McFarlane, USMC, former National Security Adviser; Vietnam Veteran
Elizabeth McIntosh, OSS Veteran (China); CIA officer; author of “Sisterhood of Spies”
Gen. H.R. McMaster, CENTCOM, Adviser to Gen. Petraeus on Counter-Insurgency
Amb. Hugh Montgomery, former CIA Station Chief in Rome, Berlin, Vienna and Moscow
Lt. Col. John Nagl; Co-Editor of COIN Manual; Adviser to Gen. David Petraeus
Rufus Phillips, CIA Officer; Saigon Military Mission; Author, “Why Vietnam Matters”
Walter Pincus, Veteran Intelligence Reporter, The Washington Post
Donald H. Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense (twice) and White House Chief of Staff
James R. Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense and Energy and Director of CIA
Daniel Schorr, former CBS Correspondent, NPR Commentator
Gen. Brent Scowcroft, USAF, former National Security Adviser to President Gerald Ford
Judge Laurence Silberman, Federal Judge; former Deputy US Attorney General
Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub, OSS/Jedburgh Veteran; France/China
Barbara Pindar Smith, former Executive Secretary to WEC at CIA
Joseph W. Smith, former Deputy Chief of Far East Division, CIA; Station Chief, Japan
Evan Thomas, Editor-at-Large of Newsweek; Author of “The Very Best Men”
Hugh Tovar, Veteran CIA Officer; former CIA Chief of Station, Laos, Indonesia
Judge William Webster, former Director of CIA and FBI and former Federal Judge
Tim Weiner, Pulitzer Prize; Author of “Legacy of Ashes”; Reporter, New York Times
Bob Woodward, Author, Managing Editor, The Washington Post
Steve B. Young, Deputy District Adviser, MACV/CORDS