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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
16 Acres

Director: Richard Hankin
Runtime: 95 minutes
Language: English
Screening Formats: Blu-ray, DVD
Year: 2012
Genre: Documentary

"Uncommonly engrossing and articulate." - Variety

The rebuilding of ground zero is the most architecturally, politically, and emotionally complex urban renewal projects in recent history. The struggle to develop these 16 acres of land has encompassed eleven years, nineteen government agencies, a dozen projects and over $20 billion. Aside from the engineering challenges, several constituencies -- politicians, developers, architects, insurance companies, local residents, and relatives of 9/11 victims -- profess conflicting claims to the site. As with all great urban projects, from the Pyramids to Rome's Coliseum to Rockefeller Center, a small group of powerful people will dictate the outcome.

Exclusive interviews with Chairman of the 9/11 Memorial, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and former New York Governor George Pataki provide insight into the high-stakes political maneuvers that have defined their legacies. Conversations with developer Larry Silverstein, Executive Director of Port Authority Chris Ward, award-winning architect Daniel Libeskind, and 9/11 Memorial designer Michael Arad, illuminate the emotional and practical challenges that ultimately shaped the souring 104 story tower that now dominates the iconic New York City skyline.