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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog

Director: Ian McDonald
Run time:100 minutes
Language: English, Hindi, Tamil & Odiya w/ English subtitles
Formats: DCP, BluRay, DVD
Year: 2012
Genre - Documentary

"'Algorithms' is a completely unique film, unlike any other documentary you might see this year, both for its content and its form. But while it is that, it is also a deeply absorbing, timeless, universal tale with themes anyone can find inspiration in: triumph over adversity, family love, and a deep respect for the spirit of competition and the tradition of an ancient game." - Katie Walsh, Indiewire

In India, a group of boys dream of becoming Chess Grandmasters. But this is no ordinary chess and these are no ordinary players. Algorithms is a documentary that transports us into the little known world of Blind Chess.

Chess is an ancient and universal game with origins in India. Filmed over three years in different parts of India, Algorithms follows three boys and an adult champion who not only aspires to bring global recognition to India's blind chess players, but also wants to encourage all blind children to play chess.

The filmmakers travel with the players to competitive tournaments, including the World Junior Blind Chess Championship. They also film them in their home milieu where they reveal their struggles, anxieties and hopes. Moving through the algorithms of the blind chess world, the film is a tactile and mindful journey that challenges the notion of what it means to "see."