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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
A Fierce Green Fire

Director: Mark Kitchell
Run Time: 101 minutes
Language: English
Formats: DCP, Blu-ray, DVD
Year: 2012
Genre: Documentary

"Powerful...stirring...startling. A worthy reminder of how much has been done to help heal our planet's ecological woes as well as how much remains to be achieved." - Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times

Spanning 50 years of grassroots and global activism, this Sundance documentary brings to light the vital stories of the environmental movement where people fought – and succeeded – against enormous odds. From halting dams in the Grand Canyon to fighting toxic waste at Love Canal; from Greenpeace to Chico Mendes; from climate change to the promise of transforming our civilization, A Fierce Green Fire is "nothing less than the history of environmentalism itself." (Los Angeles Times)

From the Academy Award-nominated director of Berkeley in the Sixties, and narrated by Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Ashley Judd, Van Jones and Isabel Allende.