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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
Miss Hill: Making Dance Matter

Director: Greg Vander Veer
Run Time: 80 minutes
Language: English
Formats: Blu-ray, DVD
Year: 2014
Genre: Documentary

"You need not be a student or scholar of dance to be completely enthralled by Greg Vander Veer's documentary Miss Hill... The film is both gorgeous and powerful, crackling with energy. And without pressing the point too hard, Vander Veer maps the cultural trajectory of the art from being all white (and largely woman-driven) to being truly multicultural, as vintage footage is threaded with sharp commentary and insights from contemporary dancers across race and gender." - Ernest Hardy, The Village Voice

Miss Hill: Making Dance Matter reveals the little known story of Martha Hill, a visionary who fought against great odds to make contemporary and modern dance a legitimate art form in America. In a career spanning most of the 20th century, Hill became a behind the scenes leader of the field and the founding director of The Juilliard Dance Division. Stylistically weaving together over 90 years of archival footage, the film is a celebration of dance and an examination of the passion required to keep it alive.