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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
The New Rijksmuseum

Director: Oeke Hoogendijk
Runtime: 131 minutes
Language: Dutch, English, French, & Spanish w/ English Subtitles
Screening Formats: DCP, Blu-ray, DVD
Year: 2014
Genre: Documentary

"Proves that films can describe nuances of character and situation as finely as the finest novel or creative non-fiction." -Steven Boone,

In 2003, the ambitious renovation of one of the world's greatest museums began. The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, home to a glorious collection including masterpieces by Rembrandt and Vermeer, was supposed to reopen its doors in 2008 after five years of construction. But from the start, the project was opposed by unyielding bureaucrats and public resistance. The museum directors battled politicians, designers, curators and even the Dutch Cyclists Union as they struggled to complete the renovation and put its massive collection back on public display. Five years late, with costs exceeding half a billion dollars, the museum finally reopened.

Oeke Hoogendijk's epic documentary captures the entire story from design to completion, offering a fly-on-the-wall perspective on one of the most challenging museum construction projects ever conceived. With its decade-long scope, the film reveals a surprisingly dramatic story that art and architecture lovers will not want to miss.