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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation

Director: Stefan Haupt
Run Time: 90 minutes
Language: Catalan, Spanish, French & German w/ English Subtitles
Formats: DCP, Blu-Ray, DVD
Year: 2014
Genre: Documentary

"A peaceful and gently stirring documentary that considers faith and architecture and human achievement in something like geologic time. Director Stefan Haupt persuades viewers to surrender to a place, to a vision, and to a scale of thinking beyond our own lives." - Alan Scherstuhl, The Village Voice

One of the most iconic structures ever built, Barcelona's La Sagrada Familia is a unique and fascinating architectural project conceived by controversial genius Antoni Gaudi in the late 19th century. More than 125 years after construction began, the basilica still remains unfinished. Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation celebrates Gaudi's vision and the continuing work of architects as they strive to complete the colossal project while delving into the process of artistic creation in a historical context.

La Sagrada Familia was commissioned by the Order of St Joseph in 1882. After conflicts arose between the Order and the original architect, 31 year old Antoni Gaudí was hired to complete the design. A devout Catholic and architectural prodigy, Gaudí envisioned a place of worship that combined elements of classic French Gothic style and the curvilinear, organic aspects of the budding Art Nouveau school.

Despite decades of delays, thousands of artisans, laborers, and designers have contributed to the ambitious and glorious landmark. Inspired by Gaudí's vision, the film explores our fundamentally human search for the meaning of existence, and the quest for creative expression.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Catalonian metropolis, the documentary investigates the structural developments of the Sagrada Família while allowing the audience time to observe, perceive, and reflect upon the historical, artistic and personal significance of the basilica.