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Theatrical / Semi-theatrical Catalog
Top Spin

Directors - Sara Newens & Mina T. Son
Run Time - 81 minutes
Language - English & Mandarin w/ English Subtitles
Format - DCP, Blu-ray, DVD
Year - 2014
Genre- Documentary

"Quick-moving, kinetically edited...Highlights virtuoso bursts of energy and edge-clipping shots that cinch a game, "Top Spin" goes a long way toward building a mystique around the little table at the center of all those blink-of-an-eye flurries." -Variety

Inside a cramped gym, the clacking sounds of hollow plastic balls whirling at 80 mph are punctuated by exclamations of victory and bitter cries of defeat. Welcome to the hidden world of competitive ping pong.

Three fiercely committed teenagers battle their way through the world of elite table tennis. With devoted parents by their side, they have traded normal teenage life for a chance to represent their country on the world's biggest athletic stage: the Olympics.

An inside look at an offbeat sport, Top Spin turns one of America's favorite pastimes on its head and reveals a coming-of-age story where success and failure come down to mere millimeters.