Cast and Credits
Filmmaker Bio
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Filmmaker Bio


MIKE WOOLF, Director

Mike Woolf was born in Baltimore but has been smoking briskets and making commercials in Austin since 1994. He spent six years at GSDM Advertising writing ads including the “Wanna Get Away” for Southwest Airlines. In 2000, he started Beef and Pie Productions with renowned photograher/DP Andrew Yates and producer Karen Yates. Four of their short docs – Growin’ A Beard, The 72oz Steak, Tuesday Nighter and Life is Marbleous have premiered at SXSW. Man on a Mission is their first feature.

BRADY DIAL, Executive Producer

Brady Dial is an independent film producer developing docs and genre features; his previous project was the IMAX film “Ride Around the World.” To learn more about what’s coming next from this intrepid producer visit The Were-Bot.