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"Using the technique pioneered by Ken Burns but with much more political acumen...'American Socialist' is vastly entertaining and politically insightful."- Counterpunch

"American Socialist: The Life And Times of Eugene Victor Debs poignantly captures the courage and conviction of one man driven by an all-consuming moral mission to elevate the masses, speak truth to power and change the world. And almost 100 years after his death, the ideas he was imprisoned and ridiculed for (by the establishment class), are fueling the progressive movement of the 21st century proving that a vision laced with truth and hope never dies."- Nina Turner, President, Our Revolution

"Bernie Sanders' spoke of change trying to secure the Democratic nomination in 2016 and change was what Debs, Sanders' hero, was about in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Strom introduces us to Debs, whose character and convictions on equality cemented his legacy as an icon of the socialist movement. Along the way, viewers pick up a lot of knowledge - from the rise of socialism in America to Debs being the first presidential candidate imprisoned for his campaign platform."- Chicago Tribune

"'American Socialist' gives us hope and tragedy in equal measure. This is a film to be seen by everyone with socialistic inklings."- Paul Buhle, Truth Out

"I hope anyone who feels we can be a more just and humane society sees this film before November's elections."- San Diego Uptown News