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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Anote's Ark

Director - Matthieu Rytz
Run Time - 77 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2018
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Asia, Biographies/Profiles, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, Human Rights, New Releases, Political Science, Science, Technology

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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What if your country was swallowed by the sea? The Pacific island nation of Kiribati is one of the most remote places on the planet, far-removed from the pressures of modern life. Yet it is one of the first countries that must confront an existential dilemma of our time: imminent annihilation from sea-level rise. President Anote Tong races to find options, from mass migration to building underwater cities, but many Kiribati are already seeking safe harbor overseas, leaving behind 4000 years of Kirabati culture.

With sweeping cinematography, filmmaker Matthieu Rytz captures the shifting dynamics of climate change while crafting a portrait of the Kiribati people that reveals their strength of character and grace as they confront the inevitable change they are facing head on.

World Premiere, Sundance Film Festival 2018

"In his directorial debut, renowned Canadian photographer Matthieu Rytz brings an observant visual style to scenes of Tong's island home and the frequent devastation it suffers." - THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER

"Global indifference to climate change becomes personal in Matthieu Rytz's doc." - NOW TORONTO

"The scope of Anote's Ark is sweeping yet intimate. Director Matthieu Rytz captures the struggle for Kiribati on scales both personal and political...expressing the urgency of the situation by capturing the scale of Kiribati and its plight with awesome power. Striking cinematography." - POV MAGAZINE

"'Anote's Ark' succeeds by its ability to send a meaningful message without a preaching tone." - FILM INQUIRY