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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Atlantic Crossing A Robot's Daring Mission

Director - Dena Seidel
Run Time - 60 minutes / 70 minutes
Languages - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2010
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Environmental Studies, Science

Institutional DVD Price: $275 (60 minute version)
Institutional DVD Price: $295
(70 minute version)

Visionary oceanographer Scott Glenn leads a team of passionate and daring scientists as they race against time to launch the first autonomous underwater robot to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The robot, RU-27, is an experimental device - a modified Slocum Autonomous Underwater Gliding Vehicle - operated by Rutgers University researchers. In December 2009, RU-27 was the first robot to cross the Atlantic Ocean underwater, which took it 221 days.