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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Ballet Boys

Director - Kenneth Elvebakk
Run Time - 72 minutes
Languages - Norwegian w/ English subtitles
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2014
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, Biographies/Profiles, Dance, Family Relations, Performance

Institutional DVD Price: $295

Filmed over four years, Ballet Boys follows the victories, trials, and set-backs of three friends and rising Dutch dance stars: Lukas, Syvert, and Torgeir. They sacrifice a normal high school experience including parties and dating for the sake of ambition and a love of dance. Facing pressure from their parents, school teachers and ballet mentors, the boys prepare for potentially life-altering and career-making auditions at some of Europe's most prestigious ballet schools.

"An engaging, coming-of-age story with a healthy dose of beautiful dancing." - The Telegraph