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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Circus Boy

Director - L.A. Alfonso
Run Time - 52 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2021
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Adolescence, Biographies/Profiles, Communication, Cultural Studies, Family Relations, LGBTQ Studies, New Releases, Performance

Institutional DVD Price: $195

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In today's world, what is family? This question is explored in the documentary Circus Boy, about a gay man named Thomas who seeks reconciliation with his mother after he and his husband, Michael, adopt a boy he's training for circus school. Thomas is an avid believer that the circus is accessible to all people, and he takes joy from helping others find their flow by developing circus skills. He coaches 17 different circus disciplines to all age groups, with his primary love being the challenging Cyr Wheel.

When their adoptive son Ethan came into their lives, Thomas and Michael fell in love all over again. And Ethan has a natural talent for the Cyr. But now, Thomas is nervous about introducing Ethan to his visiting mother, who wants to meet Ethan's 'bio-mom' and have a chat. What emerges from this fraught situation is the story of an unconventional family that chooses an alternate path to love and parenthood. Challenging our social norms, the film embraces inclusion as we see how some can work out their problems through circus arts - and acceptance.