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"You may not go to a more thought-provoking funeral than the one held for the art of film projection in Peter Flynn’s lovely documentary ‘The Dying of the Light’ … the film is an elegy to a century of watching movies and to the craftspeople who made it possible.” - Ty Burr, Boston Globe

"A very enjoyable film [which] cinephiles should respond warmly to." - The Hollywood Reporter

"A tribute to the old days of celluloid and acetate film and the projectionists who made it all happen... if you have a love for film history, this is definitely a film for you." - Sarah Boslaugh, Playback:stl

"A love letter to the artisans and odd characters who, alone and out of sight, work their magic for moviegoing purists who still appreciate all that celluloid has to offer." - Loren King, The Boston Globe

"An elegiac tribute to the artistry of film and to the men and women who toiled ‘behind the curtain’ to bring that artistry to life every day in movie­ theaters around the world, The Dying of the Light is a not-to-be-missed treasure of movie history. In the course of his investigations, Flynn sends his camera along with film collectors and historians into the bunker-like, windowless projection booths of long abandoned movie palaces. The effect, as one historian observes, recalls the opening of ancient Egyptian tombs."  - James Verniere, Boston Herald 

"Provides some fascinating history of the art and science of film projection …. the visual beauty of the photography here is a fitting homage to the level of artistic quality many cinema aficionados crave: quality that is now harder and harder to access, as convenience overtakes visual purity as the main concern of exhibition houses." - Peg Aloi, Arts Fuse

"[A] melancholic peek behind the curtain that's quickly-and all-too-quietly-closing on a profession. A tremendous gift for cinephiles who mourn the loss of the light." - Brett Michel, The Improper Bostonian

"10 must-see documentaries" of DOC NYC 2015 - IndieWire

"The Dying of the Light preserves a precious slice of history. It will engage anyone who ever went to a movie."
- David Bordwell