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"Incisive... Part psychology seminar and sociology course, 'Germans & Jews' finds its sharpest insights as it examines the stress of communication, when both sides are so hyper-aware of the past that it hinders what’s said in the present. Yet just the fact that Germans – Jewish and non-Jewish – are talking about the issues, Ms. Quint suggests, is a real cause for hope, despite history." - Ken Jaworowski, The New York Times

"In Janina Quint’s subtle, compact but deeply resonant documentary Germans & Jews, we can see how far the modern nation of Germany has come in terms of historical reckoning and historical reconciliation, 70 years after the end of World War II."  - Andrew O’Hehir, Salon

"Fascinating... With subtle, skillful editing, director Janina Quint wisely allows paradoxes to arise on their own while giving the viewer enough historical context to make sense of them."  - Diana Clarke, Village Voice

"A thoughtful and illuminating examination of a provocative subject." - Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter

"Germans & Jews provides a revealing window into a post-WWII German psychology fraught with contradictions. Employing a conventional Ken Burns-ian non-fiction aesthetic, in which straightforward chats are interspersed with archival photographs (that the camera pans and zooms about), Germans & Jews stays out of its own way, allowing its many voices to evoke the twisted, alternately contradictory and complementary feelings and thoughts that define German-Jewish dynamics." - Nick Schager, The Daily Beast

"What truly makes the film a must-see are the fine interviews with social psychologists, historians, Jewish educators and museum directors... an exceptional documentary."  - Eric A. Goldman, Jewish Standard

"A fascinating take on a difficult subject that is often avoided." - Jennifer Merin, WeNews

"Surprisingly rigorous and enormously edifying... thought-provoking, humane, sometimes funny, and always rich in ideas." - James van Maanen, Trust Movies

"'Germans and Jews' dives headlong into the most sensitive of subjects: seventy years after the Holocaust, how do we think about and talk to each other? With no agenda other than honest exploration, it beautifully captures – and advances – the state of dialogue. Whether you are German, Jewish, both, or neither, this is a film that will leave you moved and hopeful." - Jacob Weisberg, Editor-in-Chief, Slate Group

"An amazing, intelligent and important movie about a topic still more complicated, for obvious reasons, than many Germans want to acknowledge. Every student of German, and every German student should watch this film. And everyone else should too." -  Daniel Kehlmann, German language best selling author of Measuring the World

"'Germans and Jews' is not judgmental, finely nuanced, and shows a spectrum of perspectives that covers all bases." 
- Carol Strauss, former Director of The Leo Baeck Institute

"... a superb documentary on a fascinating and difficult subject, with an impeccable selection of speakers, great editing and lovely cinematography." - Shelby Coffey III, Vice Chairman of the Newseum, Former Editor and Executive Vice President of the Los Angeles Times