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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales

Director - Alain Margot
Run Time - 94 minutes
Languages - Russian and French w/ English subtitles
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2014
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- Art, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Communication, Cultural Studies, Globalization, Human Rights, Justice, Law & Legal Studies, Media Studies, Political Science, Sex & Sexuality, Women’s Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

They are known around the world as the topless female activists who fight corrupt and patriarchal political systems. Their weapon of choice is their bodies- which they place front and center in protests around the streets of Kiev, where the group began, and all across Europe.

Oksana Shachko is FEMEN's creative backbone. As a teenager, her fascination with religious painting led her to consider entering a convent, but in the end she used her many talents to create FEMEN and devoted herself to a life of activism.

With I am FEMEN, director Alain Margot paints a portrait of the bewitching and many-faceted Oksana, while also revealing the stories of the brave young women around her who put their bodies on the front line in the fight for justice and equality.

"Alain Margot's vastly entertaining film offers an entree into the FEMEN movement through a profile of co-founder Oksana Shachko. Oksana is every radical's daydream and every oligarch's nightmare-she's feisty, feminist and fabulously charismatic. Even more than Russia's Pussy Riot, FEMEN trades on female beauty to make points about oligarchies, the media and the male gaze. Living the contradiction of being a feminist revolutionary artist and beauty, Oksana highly deserves a documentary... and Alain Margot has delivered the goods." - POV Magazine

"An incredibly powerful film, not so much because of the promotion of FEMEN and the groups ideas, but because of the strength of Oksana. She is an inspiration to all of us, and proves that no voice is too small to matter." - Toronto Film Scene