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Director -Parvez Sharma
Run Time - 81 minutes
Language - In English, Arabic, Farsi, Undu, Hindi, Turkish, French dialogue
Format - DVD
Year - 2007
Genre - Documentary
Educational Interest- Africa, Anthropology, Asia, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Gay & Lesbian Studies, Human Rights, Islam, Middle East, Religion


Institutional DVD Price: $295




In a time when Islam is under tremendous attack from within and without, A Jihad for Love is a daring documentary filmed in twelve countries and nine languages. Muslim gay filmmaker Parvez Sharma has gone where the silence is loudest, filming with great risk in nations where government permission to make this film was not an option.

A Jihad for Love is the world's first feature documentary to explore the complex global intersections between Islam and homosexuality. Parvez enters the many worlds of Islam by illuminating multiple stories as diverse as Islam itself. The film travels a wide geographic arc presenting us lives from India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa and France. Always filming in secret and as a Muslim, Parvez makes the film from within the faith, depicting Islam with the same respect that the film's characters show for it.

Revealing and moving…notable for its depiction of the tenacity with which its subjects hold on to their faith despite the wall of bigotry, often homicidal, that confronts them.” -Wall Street Journal

Lifts the veil of secrecy….frankly brave.” -NPR, Talk of the Nation



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