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"Slick new doc...dazzling us with appearances by luminaries of journalism, belles lettres, and music." - The Village Voice

"An enlightening new documentary. The bottom line in THE PULITZER AT 100 is the importance of the free press and the fact that, at its core, investigative journalists hold individuals accountable for their actions. To again quote Robert Caro, journalism may be directly connected to getting at the truth. 'The only remedy for injustice,' he observes, 'is to expose it...'" - WAMC Radio

"Must-see. What can I say? I’m a print journalism sentimentalist. Yes, even now. Maybe especially now. So how can director Kirk Simon’s documentary about the creation and history of journalism’s greatest nod not inspire?" - Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post

"Impressive. Kirk Simon has assembled a grand cast plus authors, journalists, composers and photographers who have won Pulitzers, to create a vivid portrait of the importance of Joseph Pulitzer's brilliant idea to establish the School of Journalism at Columbia University and award prizes." - Anne-Katrin Titze, Eye for Film

"Fascinating." - Reviews by Amos Lassen