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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Somewhere With No Bridges

Director - Charles Frank
Run Time - 58 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2022
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- American Studies, Biography, Cultural Studies, Family Relations, New Releases, Psychology

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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Heralded as "a celebration of life like you've never seen," Somewhere With No Bridges is a stirring, lyrical journey beneath the brusque, reticent surface of a New England fishing community.

Twenty years after a beloved local fisherman, Richie Madeiras, goes missing off the shores of Martha's Vineyard, a distant cousin locates Richie's kind, indelible spirit in the stories of family, friends, and the sweeping sea which has defined their lives.

"Told with the reverence and grace of Terrence Malick's Tree of Life." - Graffiti with Punctuation

"BEST DOCUMENTARIES 2021! Charles Frank uses the specificity of this taciturn New England fishing community to craft a universal reflection on grief, memory, and time. His stunning film finds as much beauty in silence as the patient and moving voice-over narration. Hypnotic and truly inimitable, Somewhere With No Bridges is a meditative paean for a soul that once touched the earth but lives on in the salty sea air." - Video Librarian

"A celebration of life like you've never seen."- Screentology