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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Speed Sisters

Director - Amber Fares
Run Time - 80 minutes
Language - Arabic and English w/English subtitles
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2016
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests - Anthropology, Biographies/Profiles, Cultural Studies, Family Relations, Human Rights, Islam, Middle East, Political Science, Sports, Women's Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

The Speed Sisters are the first all-woman race car driving team in the Middle East. Grabbing headlines and turning heads at improvised tracks across the West Bank, these five women have sped their way into the heart of the gritty, male-dominated Palestinian street car-racing scene. Weaving together their lives on and off the track, Speed Sisters takes you on a surprising journey into the drive to go further and faster than anyone thought you could.

Director Amber Fares provides an engaging, effective framework for understanding the historical and cultural significance of the Speed Sisters' achievements, making this groundbreaking film essential viewing for students of subjects ranging from Women's Studies to Political Science.

"An eye-opening doc that succeeds in its goal of shattering stereotypes." - The Hollywood Reporter

"Speed Sisters shows the magic of daily life in Palestine despite the reality of ongoing military occupation." - The Huffington Post

" Strikes a perfect balance, telling a righteous, uplifting story of triumph against the odds without ever losing sight of the bigger political picture." - Time Out London

"An invigorating account of five women race car drivers in the West Bank. The quest for speed takes place in a context where an Israeli occupation renders mobility a precious and rare commodity. Watching these five women, and the people who love them, is a gender-bending experience that sheds light on class and geographic difference, and the everyday struggle for fun." - Sherene Seikaly, Assistant Professor, Department of History, UC Santa Barbara; Editor, Arab Studies Journal