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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Spring & Arnaud

Directors - Marcia Connolly, Katherine Knight
Run Time - 67 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests: Aging, Art, Biographies/Profiles, Design, Photography

Institutional DVD Price: $295

An "artful and art-filled love story" (The Globe and Mail), this documentary about two unique characters is also an unforgettable look at art, love and mortality.

Influential photographer Arnaud Maggs, turning 85, embarks on a series of self-portraits that wryly depict his life's work. Spring Hurlbut, at 60 is creating haunting works that evoke mortality while harboring the certainty that Arnaud's time is limited. Together more than 25 years, each grapples with the nature of an artist's creativity where the drive for invention and discovery resists life's finite reality

"Cinematically gorgeous. A breathtakingly tender and intelligent love story." - Hot Docs

"Spring & Arnaud is that rarity, a film gem about artists and their work that at the same time tells a compelling love story. The film itself is a work of art, filled with wonderful images and crisply edited. But it’s the human saga of a quirky but richly satisfying personal relationship that will make it connect with audiences in a way that cultural documentaries rarely do." - Toronto Star