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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Where is the World Going, Mr. Stiglitz?

Director - Jacques Sarasin
Run Time - 380 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD (Five Part Series on Two Discs)
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interest- Business, Economics, Globalization, History (World), Justice, Political Science

Institutional DVD Price: $295

Simply and eloquently, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explains how the world's economy works. Drawing not only from his academic expertise but also from time spent on the ground in countries around the world, Stiglitz offers fresh thinking about the questions and challenges facing all of us - from well-off Americans to those mired in Third World poverty.

This five part series will appeal to experts and non-experts alike, as Stiglitz's clear and concise reasoning about the complexities of globalization is revealed. The topics covered include an overview of the world economy; the challenge of global warming and the environment; the future of global trade and immigration; how globalization can benefit (and harm) developing countries; and issues of security and terrorism.

Jospeh Stiglitz is one of the most respected economists in the world today. Some of his positions and achievements include:

  • Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics
  • Chairman of Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors
  • Chief Economist at the World Bank
  • Chair of the Management Board of the Brooks World Poverty Institute
  • Consultant to World Leaders
  • Professor at Yale, Princeton, Oxford, Stanford and (currently) Columbia University
  • Author of the Best-Selling Book Globalization and Its Discontents (translated into 35 languages) and its followup Making Globalization Work

    "Joseph Stiglitz is our most reliable guide to international economics. He is that rare economist who can make the complex issue of globalization intelligible to a non-academic audience. I found his presentation to be wonderfully informative, and, most important of all, imbued with a powerful social conscience, a profound concern for the poor of the planet." - Howard Zinn, best-selling author of A People's History of the United States

    "Stiglitz is able to cut through the jargon and explain the complex in simple terms. He does an excellent job of describing dense topics - trade barriers, the global reserve system - in a language that’s understandable and accessible. You don’t have to be an economist or a politician to make sense of his explanations." - USA Today