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Top Ten Foreign Films
1.The Stopover
On their way home from Afghanistan, a band of French soldiers stop at a resort in Cyprus for decompression, to readjust to "normal" life.
2. Magical Girl
In this bracing thriller from Spanish director Carlos Vermut, an unemployed father and a woman with a dark past find their fates bound together.
3. The Clearstream Affair
In this ripped-from-the-headlines French thriller, journalist Denis Robert (Gilles Lellouche) exposes a major bank's opaque operations.
4. The German Doctor
Patagonia, 1960. An Argentinean family unknowingly harbors Josef Mengele, one of WWII's most heinous Nazi war criminals.
5. Tokyo Fiancée
Amelie, a French tutor in Tokyo, finds herself in a passionate relationship with her only student, the charming Rinri.
6. Fidelio: Alice's Odyssey
Leaving her fiancé ashore, Alice (Arianne Labed) joins the crew of a cargo ship and discovers that her first great love is the ship’s captain.
7. Dark Diamond
In this thriller, Pier blames his extended diamond-dealer family for his father's tragic life - and death.
8. Bliss
Based on the novel by Zülfü Livaneli and set amidst Turkey's natural wonders, Bliss is a riveting tale about love, honor and redemption.
9. Don't Let Me Die On A Sunday
A morgue employee is assigned a corpse, a young woman who overdosed at a rave...except she's not dead.
10. The Butterfly
Michel Serrault plays an ornery butterfly collector who lives alone. But things change when 8-year-old Elsa moves in next door.

New and Notable

You Go To My Head
In a desolate stretch of the Sahara, a mysterious car accident leaves a young woman lost and alone. A reclusive architect finds her; intoxicated by her beauty, he takes her to his remote desert home to recuperate.

My Führer
The bastard love child of Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator and Mel Brooks’ The Producers, My Führer is a wildly provocative and laugh-out-loud satire about Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

Documentary Picks

Koshien: Japan's Field of Dreams
Reminiscent of Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Koshien is an intimate journey to the heart of the Japanese national character through the lens of their national high school baseball tournament.

Shusenjo: Comfort Women and Japan's War on History examines the Japanese Army's enslavement of tens of thousands of women in military brothels during WW2 - and how some conservatives are now denying this shameful history.

Myth of a Colorblind France
A look at renowned Black artists who emigrated to Paris to liberate themselves from the racism of the United States, including Josephine Baker, James Baldwin and Richard Wright.

Fresh From the Festivals

In this searing drama, five Moroccans are pushed to the fringe by their extremist government. Spanning three decades, Razzia weaves an intricate tale of lost loves, forbidden desires, and fragile dreams in modern day Morocco.

Based on Real Life

Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
This powerful film tells the story of the Austrian writer and his life in exile from 1936 to 1942. One of the most famous writers of his time, Zweig struggled to find the right stance towards Nazi Germany.

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This "unique cinematic experience" is the story of a wayward young man who comes of age in the world of graffiti art.