In this searing and mesmerizing drama, five Moroccans from different social and religious strata are pushed to the fringe by their extremist government. Spanning three decades and several storylines, director Nabil Ayouch weaves an intricate tale of lost loves, forbidden desires, and fragile dreams in modern day Morocco.
The Moroccan Entry for the 2018 Academy Awards, Razzia was the Opening Night Film at the 2018 New York Jewish Film Festival. With Maryam Touzani, Arieh Worthalter, Amine Ennaji, Abdelilah Rachid and Dounia Binebine.
"A beautiful film by one of the best filmmakers coming out of North Africa." - TORONTO STAR
"Powerful, intense, controversial... Like a Moroccan 'Magnolia,' following five stories that gradually overlap and then lead to an explosive finale." - THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER
"A kaleidoscopic portrait of five lives touched by a single tumultuous event." - VARIETY
"A fascinating cinematic puzzle and a powerful political statement." - CINEUROPA
"Razzia skillfully addresses hypocrisy, ignorance, misguided religious fervor, sexual oppression and the persistent tug toward greater personal freedom." - SCREEN INTERNATIONAL