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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Accidental Courtesy

Director - Matthew Ornstein
Run Time - 96 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD / Digital Streaming
Year - 2016
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests - African-American Studies, American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Studies, History (U.S.), Human Rights, Philosophy, Psychology

Institutional DVD Not Available.

Directed by Oscar-nominated and NAACP Image Award winner David Massey, this dynamic documentary features legal experts, local activists, and law enforcement officers delving into ongoing charges of inequality, unfair practices, and politicized manipulations of America's judicial system. Additionally, the Black Lives Matter movement and citizens nationwide question the staggering number of police shootings of unarmed Black men and women.

"An entertaining and inspirational message of rapprochement...a great conversation starter." - Variety

"Soaring on the back of its endearing and intelligent subject, 'Accidental Courtesy' takes a unique look at an infuriating (and infuriatingly relevant topic) through an even-handed lens. The result is entertaining and insightful." - Letterboxd