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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
ACORN and the Firestorm

Director - Reuben Atlas, Sam Pollard
Run Time - 84 minutes
Language - English
Format - Digital
Year - 2017
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- African American Studies,American Studies,Civil Rights,Communication,Criminal Justice,Cultural Studies,History (U.S.),Law & Legal Studies,Media Studies,New Releases,Political Science,Urban Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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If you were impoverished and politically voiceless, ACORN hoped to change your mind. For 40 years, the community-organizing group sought to empower marginalized communities. Its critics, though, believed ACORN exemplified everything wrong with liberal ideals.

Fueled by a YouTube video made by two young conservatives who posed as pimp and prostitute in a sting, ACORN's very existence would be challenged. ACORN and the Firestorm goes beyond the 24-hour news cycle and cuts to the heart of the great political divide.

"Disturbingly relevant... very much a documentary of our age. A refreshingly clear and balanced narrative about the controversy that swept up the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now during the 2008 presidential election." -Salon

"Infuriating. A nimble analysis of the FOX echo chamber." - Flavorwire

"Brings us the often sordid tale of the takedown of this once-proud-and-successful agency. No matter where one stands on the ideological spectrum, this movie is an excellent bit of documentary history and journalism." - Hammer to Nail