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Educational / Non-Theatrical Sales
Anita: Speaking Truth to Power

Director - Freida Mock
Run Time - 77 minutes
Language - English
Format - DVD, streaming
Year - 2013
Genre - Documentary

Educational Interests- African-American Studies, American Studies, Biographies/Profiles, Civil Rights, Communication, Cultural Studies, History (U.S.), Human Rights, Justice, Labor Studies, Law & Legal Studies, Media Studies, Political Science, Sex & Sexuality, Women’s Studies

Institutional DVD Price: $295

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An entire country watched transfixed as a poised, beautiful African-American woman in a blue dress sat before a Senate committee of 14 white men and with a clear, unwavering voice recounted the repeated acts of sexual harassment she had endured while working with U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. That October day in 1991 Anita Hill, a bookish law professor from Oklahoma, was thrust onto the world stage and instantly became a celebrated, hated, venerated, and divisive figure. She has become an American icon, empowering millions of women and men around the world to stand up for equality and justice.

Against a backdrop of sex, politics, and race, Anita reveals the intimate story of a woman who spoke truth to power. Directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Freida Mock, the film is both a celebration of Anita Hill's legacy and a rare glimpse into her private life with friends and family, many of whom were by her side that fateful day 22 years ago. Anita Hill courageously speaks openly and intimately for the first time about her experiences that led her to testify before the Senate and the obstacles she faced in simply telling the truth. Anita Hill's graphic testimony was a turning point for gender equality in the U.S. and ignited a political firestorm about sexual misconduct and power in the workplace that resonates still today.

"ANITA is an important historical document about an event that prompted a larger cultural conversation about sexual harassment. But, perhaps more important, it conveys Ms. Hill's journey from an accuser alone to an activist who shares with, and listens to, others." -The New York Times

"This intelligent and comprehensive documentary not only conveys the genuine nature of Hill herself, but also recreates the national sensibility of the time, an era when sexual harassment in the workplace was not yet a national concern... [a] thoughtful and quietly powerful film." -The Hollywood Reporter

"A true hero of our time!" -Indiewire's Women and Hollywood